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Ask Soylent - important cultural music, videos and movies

Accepted submission by Runaway1956 at 2022-12-25 20:46:48

OK, so, we recently had the article on 2023 public domain copyrights. I watched (again) Fritz Lang's Metropolis from 1927. I've also stumbled across The Quake (2018) very recently, and watched it. The only other Euro movie I can think of, offhand, is Pan's Labyrinth. All Quiet on the Western Front?

So, what do some of you Euros consider to be important cultural items, that Americans should be familiar with? (British answers will be acceptable here, I think. You're almost Euro . . . )

Yeah, sure, I could do an internet search with the same question, alternating the term slightly if I don't get good results. But, where better to ask, than on a more-or-less international forum filled with fellow geeks and nerds? The man in the street isn't going to have the same answers as our Soylent community, on this, or any other subject!

And, it isn't necessary to restrict the discussion to Euros - Asians, South Americans, Islanders, even Canadians can suggest important cultural works for us to watch, or read, or listen to! We may have to draw the line with 'Strayans though . . . Do we really have to hear 'Play me Didgeradoo' again?

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