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Feminists and the Sexist Witch Hunt in Tech

Accepted submission by The Mighty Buzzard at 2015-02-02 17:05:05
Career & Education
Generally I'm not a perruser of but I ran across this one opinion piece [] I found worth visiting and relevant to us.

Now, it has spread like a virus, and thanks to the SJW's, is creeping into practically every nook and cranny of the tech industry. But the fact remains that their contentions about sexism in tech do not hold water. Like any other industry out there, women may end up coming across cretins that mistreat them, but there isn't a concerted effort or conspiracy out there preventing women from entering the tech industry. On the contrary, tech giants are bending over backwards to entice women to work for them, and there are organizations doing all they can to encourage more women to enter tech fields.

Why bother reading opinion pieces by conservatives? Because a closed mind is a waste of brain cells. A hypothesis you refuse to test will forever remain such and never gain theoryhood.

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