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Roboticists Want to Give You a Third Arm

Accepted submission by upstart at 2023-01-30 13:33:48

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Roboticists Want to Give You a Third Arm []:

Roboticists Want to Give You a Third Arm

Unused bandwidth in neurons can be tapped to control extra limbs


Journal Reference:
Towards human motor augmentation by voluntary decoupling beta activity in the neural drive to muscle and force production - IOPscience, Journal of Neural Engineering (DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/abcdbf [])
Towards human motor augmentation by voluntary decoupling beta activity in the neural drive to muscle and force production - IOPscience, Journal of Neural Engineering (DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/abcdbf [])
Mehring, C., Akselrod, M., Bashford, L., et al. Augmented manipulation ability in humans with six-fingered hands [open], Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10306-w [])
Just a moment..., (DOI: [])

Original Submission