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Frostbite Orckings: Music AI is here for good

Accepted submission by Rich at 2023-03-20 08:51:20 from the our-new-musical-overlords dept.

German company Musical Bits [] has released the first single of their AI virtual heavy metal band "Frostbite Orckings". []. Their sound could be described as a keyboard-heavy version of viking metal, like a mellower spin of Amon Amarth. Along with the song comes an also AI generated video [] of orcs playing along. At this time, it is unclear what input has gone into the AI to generate the production, and how much post processing is done.

The path seems to be set into a direction where we simply can run text-to-song AI ("AI, play me a new Motorhead song with lyrics about whiskey") in the foreseeable future and get convincing results.

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