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Southern California Linux Expo 20x (SCaLE 20X) Are Now Online

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2023-03-31 06:10:40 from the SCaLE 20X dept.
Career & Education

The videos from Southern California Linux Expo 20x (SCaLE 20X) are now online []. (Alternative via Invidious [] and its mirrors). SCaLE 20X [] took place in Pasadena, California from Thursday, March 9th through Sunday, March 12th, 2023.

The keynote speakers were Arun Gupta, Dr. Kitty Yeung, and Ken Thompson. There were nearly 100 sessions covering everything from open government to embedded, security, and FOSS@HOME to name only a few. Ceph, DevOps LA, Kubernetes and PostgreSQL also had presences at the event. Ken Thompson's keynote covered several topics including a long running project of his regarding music playback, which now includes a Raspberry Pi powered jukebox with tens of thousands of albums available. For the older material, the jukebox does playback through a player piano.

Original Submission