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Link to Story - a Combined Review and Tutorial Around the RUT-240

Accepted submission by upstart at 2023-04-07 20:49:16

████ # This file was generated bot-o-matically! Edit at your own risk. ████ - a combined review and tutorial around the RUT-240 []:

Of course, for the main intended purpose, 100baseT isn't exactly a limitation here. Typical uses of the RUT-240 involve connecting it to an existing wired internet connection via the WAN socket and passing that through to another device connected to the LAN side, with the possibility of routing traffic via 4G LTE if the wired WAN connectivity fails. In these cases, even if the connection between the existing devices was syncing at 1000baseT, (or beyond), then unless our actual internet connection can provide bandwidth in excess of 100 mbit then we don't really lose anything in terms of raw speed. Technically, latency might be worse, but the difference will be so small as to be lost in the noise compared to the extra latency created by the packet processing of the RUT-240.

Original Submission