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SpaceX's First Orbital Test Flight of Starship Imminent

Accepted submission by takyon at 2023-04-17 05:29:35
Techonomics []

The Starship Orbital Flight Test is the planned first spaceflight of the SpaceX Starship launch vehicle. The planned launch site is Boca Chica, Texas. SpaceX plans on using Starship prototypes Ship 24 (second stage) and Booster 7 (first stage). The Starship second stage will enter a transatmospheric Earth orbit with a negative Earth perigee, allowing Ship 24 to reenter the atmosphere after completing most of one orbit without having to restart its engines for a deorbit maneuver. The earliest launch opportunity is currently scheduled for April 17, 2023 at 07:00 CDT (12:00 UTC).

YouTube stream [].

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