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Babylon 5 Animated Movie

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2023-05-03 19:29:56 from the my-2nd-favorite-thing-in-the-universe dept.

My wife just SMS'd me this, since I've never had one of those Tweeter things . . .

From JMS on Twitter . . . []

BABYLON 5 ANIMATED MOVIE coming from Warner Bros. Animation & WB Home Entertainment! Classic B5: raucous, heartfelt, nonstop, a ton of fun through time and space & a love letter to the fans. Movie title, release date and other details coming one week from today.

#B5AnimatedMovie []

JMS posts . . .

And just to be clear, this brand new original animated movie is already finished and in the can. So it's 100% real, happening, and coming out very soon.

Not what I imagined or wanted, but I'm not opposed to it.

I would very much like to know more about the original story plan before JMS had to use some of his "trap doors" due to cast changes.

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