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NIST Releases Draft Post-Quantum Encryption Document

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2023-05-03 21:38:54

The agency continues its post-quantum cryptography push as it looks to create guidance for all sectors []:

The latest step in post-quantum cryptography guidance is helping organizations identify where current public-key algorithms will need to be replaced, as the National Institute of Standards and Technology continues its push to fortify U.S. digital networks ahead of the maturity of quantum computing.

A new draft [] document previews—and solicits public commentary on—NIST’s current post-quantum cryptography guidance.

Current goals outlined in the working draft include helping entities locate where and how public key algorithms are utilized in encryption schemes, developing a strategy to migrate these algorithms to quantum-resilient substitutes and performing interoperability and performance testing.

[...] A major theme of the document is to help organizations understand the security architecture in their networks so that they firmly grasp where post-quantum security measures will need to be implemented and where to prioritize modernization. NIST also aims to compile a definitive inventory of software vendors to support post-quantum cryptography migration.

[...] The new guidance follows NIST’s ongoing effort to finalize its quantum-resistant algorithms in 2024 after identifying four in 2022 [].

Originally spotted on Schneier on Security [].

Related: 2023 Will See Renewed Focus on Quantum Computing []

Original Submission