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Australian lawmakers press US envoy for Julian Assange release

Accepted submission by takyon at 2023-05-09 20:59:05

Australian lawmakers press US envoy for Julian Assange release []

Australian lawmakers have met United States Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, urging her to help drop the pending extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and allow him to return to Australia.

The “Bring Julian Assange Home Parliamentary Group” said on Tuesday it informed Kennedy of “the widespread concern in Australia” about the continued detention of Assange, an Australian citizen.

The meeting comes before US President Joe Biden’s scheduled visit to Australia this month for the Quad leaders’ summit.

“There are a range of views about Assange in the Australian community and the members of the Parliamentary Group reflect that diversity of views. But what is not in dispute in the Group is that Mr Assange is being treated unjustly,” the legislators said in a statement after meeting Kennedy in the capital, Canberra.

Assange is battling extradition from the United Kingdom to the US where he is wanted on criminal charges over the release of confidential military records and diplomatic cables in 2010. Washington says the release of the documents had put lives in danger.


April 2023: No NGO Has Been Allowed to See Julian Assange Since Four Years Ago []
December 2022: Biden Faces Growing Pressure to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange []
August 2022: Assange Lawyers Sue CIA for Spying on Them []
June 2022: Julian Assange's Extradition to the US Approved by UK Home Secretary []

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