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I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-06-09 16:12:04 from the antidote to the information apocalypse dept.
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These days, many of us live online, where machine-generated content has begun to pollute [] the Internet with misinformation and noise. At a time when it's hard to know what information to trust, I felt delight when I recently learned that World Book still prints [] an up-to-date book encyclopedia in 2023. Although the term "encyclopedia" is now almost synonymous with Wikipedia, it's refreshing to see such a sizable reference printed on paper.
Its fiercest competitor of yore, The Encyclopedia Britannica, ended its print run [] in 2012 after 244 years in print.

In a nod to our present digital age, World Book also offers its encyclopedia as a subscription service [] through the web. Yet it's the print version that mystifies and attracts my fascination. Why does it still exist?

"Because there is still a demand!" Tom Evans, World Book's editor-in-chief, told Ars over email.
A World Book rep told Quartz [] in 2019 that the print encyclopedia sold mostly to schools, public libraries, and homeschooling families. Today, Evans says that public and school libraries are still the company's primary customers. "World Book has a loyal following of librarians who understand the importance of a general reference encyclopedia in print form, accessible to all."

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