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Comcast complains to FCC that listing all of its monthly fees is too hard

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-06-14 18:14:23 from the complaints department 500 miles -> dept.
News []

Comcast is not happy about new federal rules that will require it to provide broadband customers with labels displaying exact prices and other information [] about Internet service plans.
Broadband label that ISPs will be required to display to consumers at the point of sale.

In a filing [] last week, Comcast told the Federal Communications Commission that it is "working diligently to put in place the systems and processes necessary to create, maintain, and display the labels as required." But according to Comcast, "two aspects of the Commission's Order impose significant administrative burdens and unnecessary complexity in complying with the broadband label requirements."
The FCC was required to implement broadband label rules in a 2021 law [] passed by Congress. Although the FCC approved [] the label rules in November 2022, it's not clear when they will take effect. They are subject to a federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review because of requirements in the US Paperwork Reduction Act.
While some of these fees are related to government-issued requirements and others are not, poorly trained customer service reps have been known to falsely tell customers [] that fees created by Comcast are mandated by the government.

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