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Russia-backed hackers unleash new USB-based malware on Ukraine’s military

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-06-15 14:53:12 from the cyberwarfare dept.
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Hackers working for Russia’s Federal Security Service have mounted multiple cyberattacks that used USB-based malware to steal large amounts of data from Ukrainian targets for use in its ongoing invasion of its smaller neighbor, researchers said.

“The sectors and nature of the organizations and machines targeted may have given the attackers access to significant amounts of sensitive information,” researchers from Symantec, now owned by Broadcom, wrote in a Thursday post []. “There were indications in some organizations that the attackers were on the machines of the organizations’ human resources departments, indicating that information about individuals working at the various organizations was a priority for the attackers, among other things.”
Thursday’s post includes IP addresses, hashes, file names, and other indicators of compromise people can use to detect if they have been targeted. The post also warns that the group poses a threat that targets should take seriously.

“This activity demonstrates that Shuckworm’s relentless focus on Ukraine continues,” they wrote. “It seems clear that Russian nation-state-backed attack groups continue to laser in on Ukrainian targets in attempts to find data that may potentially help their military operations.”

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