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MIT Engineers Develop a Metal-free Electrode

Accepted submission by Booga1 at 2023-06-21 16:48:54 from the electric-spaghetti dept.

MIT News reports: MIT engineers have developed a soft, printable, metal-free electrode [].

A new Jell-O-like material could replace metals as electrical interfaces for pacemakers, cochlear implants, and other electronic implants.

Implantable electrodes are predominantly made from rigid metals that are electrically conductive by nature. But over time, metals can aggravate tissues, causing scarring and inflammation that in turn can degrade an implant’s performance.

Now, MIT engineers have developed a metal-free, Jell-O-like material that is as soft and tough as biological tissue and can conduct electricity similarly to conventional metals. The material can be made into a printable ink, which the researchers patterned into flexible, rubbery electrodes. The new material, which is a type of high-performance conducting polymer hydrogel, may one day replace metals as functional, gel-based electrodes, with the look and feel of biological tissue.

“This material operates like metal electrodes but is made from gels that are similar to our bodies, and with similar water content,” says Hyunwoo Yuk SM ’16, PhD ’21, co-founder of SanaHeal, a medical device startup. “It’s like an artificial tissue or nerve.”

“We believe that for the first time, we have a tough, robust, Jell-O-like electrode that can potentially replace metal to stimulate nerves and interface with the heart, brain, and other organs in the body,” adds Xuanhe Zhao, professor of mechanical engineering and of civil and environmental engineering at MIT.


“Imagine we are making electrical and mechanical spaghetti,” Zhao offers. “The electrical spaghetti is the conductive polymer, which can now transmit electricity across the material because it is continuous. And the mechanical spaghetti is the hydrogel, which can transmit mechanical forces and be tough and stretchy because it is also continuous.”

The researchers then tweaked the recipe to cook the spaghettified gel into an ink, which they fed through a 3D printer, and printed onto films of pure hydrogel, in patterns similar to conventional metal electrodes.

“Because this gel is 3D-printable, we can customize geometries and shapes, which makes it easy to fabricate electrical interfaces for all kinds of organs,” says first-author Zhou.

The researchers then implanted the printed, Jell-O-like electrodes onto the heart, sciatic nerve, and spinal cord of rats. The team tested the electrodes’ electrical and mechanical performance in the animals for up to two months and found the devices remained stable throughout, with little inflammation or scarring to the surrounding tissues. The electrodes also were able to relay electrical pulses from the heart to an external monitor, as well as deliver small pulses to the sciatic nerve and spinal cord, which in turn stimulated motor activity in the associated muscles and limbs.

Going forward, Yuk envisions that an immediate application for the new material may be for people recovering from heart surgery.

Original Submission