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Billionaires' Brawl: Tech Titians Opt for the Ring

Accepted submission by DECbot at 2023-06-22 16:48:19 from the bread and circus: when lawfare fails there's always trial by combat dept.

Tech reporters don their sports reporting hats as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg exchange words, both agreeing to battle in a cage match. Widely reported in articles in from tech sites like The Guardian [], The Verge [], and Engadget [] the two moguls banter and publicly agree to a fight in Vegas. It is to be seen if their agents will book the venue to make this a reality.
From The Verge:

After Elon Musk recently tweeted that he would be “up for a cage fight” with Zuckerberg, the Meta CEO shot back by posting a screenshot of Musk’s tweet with the caption “send me location.”
I’ve confirmed that Zuckerberg’s post on his Instagram account is, in fact, not a joke, which means the ball is now in Musk’s court. “The story speaks for itself,” Meta spokesperson Iska Saric told me.
After this story was published, Musk responded with two words: “Vegas Octagon.” He then tweeted: “I have this great move that I call ‘The Walrus,’ where I just lie on top of my opponent and do nothing.”
In terms of tech billionaire CEOs literally fighting, Musk versus Zuckerberg would be as good as it gets. Musk, 51, has the upper hand on Zuckerberg in terms of sheer physical size, and he has talked about being in “real hard-core street fights” when he was growing up in South Africa. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg, 39, is an aspirational MMA fighter who is already winning Jiu-Jitsu tournaments. He also claims to have recently completed the grueling “Murph Challenge” workout in just under 40 minutes.
Regardless of who would win, I think we can all agree that a Musk-versus-Zuckerberg match would be one of the most entertaining fights of all time. It needs to happen. Don’t back down now, Musk.

As a tech enthusiast, I'm disappointed the battle will be resolved by elbows and fists rather than APIs and technical specs.

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