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Five men on missing Titanic sub confirmed dead after debris reveals ‘catastrophic implosion’

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-06-22 19:19:29 from the condolences dept.
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OceanGate Expeditions have confirmed that all five crew members on board the missing submersible Titan have died [].

The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) found the tail cone of the Titan on the sea floor about 1,600 feet away from the bow of the Titanic and other debris nearby, according to Rear Adm. John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander.

Debris found on the sea floor was “consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,” the US Coast Guard said in a press briefing on Thursday.

“We now believe that our CEO Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet, have sadly been lost,” a spokesperson told The Indepenent on Thursday.

“These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans.

“Our hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time.”

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