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Person who made the Windows 3.1 port of Wordle is back with a ChatGPT client

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-06-26 17:58:54 from the what's old is new again dept.
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Microsoft is working to integrate ChatGPT-based technology into more and more places in Windows 11 [], but it isn't doing the same for older versions of Windows. Those of you with an old Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 PC can breathe easy, though, because the same developer who created the Windows 3.1 version of Wordle has returned with a Windows 3.1 ChatGPT client called WinGPT [].
To get WinGPT working without a proxy, the developer has also developed a 16-bit port of the WolfSSL library [] to support TLS 1.2 and 1.3 connections on the ancient operating system. This port is, as the developer says, "not secure, not reliable, and there is no warranty," and it should be used for entertainment purposes only. The port doesn't verify security certificates and uses "a fake random number generator" to function.

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