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GCC Adopts A Code of Conduct

Accepted submission by hubie at 2023-07-09 20:21:40 from the can't we all just get along? dept.

GCC Adopts A Code of Conduct []:

While a few years late compared to many other open-source projects adopting a Code of Conduct, the GCC Steering Committee has now adopted a Code of Conduct "CoC" for this open-source compiler project.

Passionate compiler developers and other GCC stakeholders are encouraged to remind themselves to be civil in their discussions and follow other recommendations to foster their community. Jason Merrill of the GCC Steering Committee wrote in their announcement of this CoC:

"The vast majority of the time, the GCC community is a very civil, cooperative space. On the rare occasions that it isn't, it's helpful to have something to point to to remind people of our expectations. It's also good for newcomers to have something to refer to, for both how they are expected to conduct themselves and how they can expect to be treated.

  More importantly, if there is offensive behavior that isn't corrected immediately, it's important for there to be a way to report that to the project leadership so that we can intervene.

  At this time the CoC is preliminary: the code itself should be considered active, but the CoC committee (and so the reporting and response procedures) are not yet in place."

The draft GCC CoC can be viewed here [].

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