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Aptera update, report on wind tunnel calibration of their CFD

Accepted submission by at 2023-07-19 17:33:08 from the maybe-someday-I-can-buy-one dept.

The Aptera streamlined car project has been on and off for something like 10(?) years now, including a bankruptcy and reorg. They just released this statement on some wind tunnel testing, [] so it does seem like there is at least a little bit of life in the company.

From the link,

Alessandro Aquili, head of wind tunnel at Pininfarina, said, “Aptera’s exterior design draws inspiration from the research of Prof. Morelli, the same engineer behind the Pininfarina wind tunnel. By building on Prof. Morelli’s ideas, Aptera carries on this philosophy, continuing to push bounds of aerodynamic efficiency.”

Steve Fambro, CEO and co-founder of Aptera, remarked, “Working with Pininfarina to validate Aptera’s shape marks an exciting chapter in our journey toward creating a passenger vehicle with the lowest drag coefficient ever.”

Aptera’s aerodynamic shape is key to its energy efficiency. According to the company, it will enable its solar EVs to achieve a range of up to 1,000 miles per charge and the ability to drive up to 40 miles per day directly from the sun’s rays.

An average of 10 miles a day would probably be enough for my limited/local car use (work from home), but I'm not in Southern CA, we don't get sun year around like they do.

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