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Enshittification everywhere. Your car, your phone, your tractor, your computer...

Accepted submission by Isia at 2023-07-26 06:28:14 from the Technofeudalism dept.

Companies are willing to make their products less reliable, less attractive, less safe and less resilient in pursuit of rents. []

Forget F1: the only car race that matters now is the race to turn your car into a digital extraction machine, a high-speed inkjet printer on wheels, stealing your private data as it picks your pocket. Your car's digital infrastructure is a costly, dangerous nightmare – but for automakers in pursuit of postcapitalist utopia, it's a dream they can't give up on.

Don't drive a cab, create Uber and extract value from every driver and rider. Better still: don't found Uber, invest in Uber options and extract value from the people who invest in Uber. Even better, invest in derivatives of Uber options and extract value from people extracting value from people investing in Uber, who extract value from drivers and riders.
Go meta.

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