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Opinion: It's Time to Classify Plastics as Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic Pollutants

Accepted submission by hubie at 2023-07-31 01:25:06 from the plasticene porters dept.

A team of researchers from around the world is urging the international community to recognize the full environmental and health threat of plastics []:

In a new Viewpoint published in Environmental Science & Technology [] the researchers argue categorizing plastics, including micro- and nano-sized particles as PBT pollutants would give governments the tools they need to better manage plastic production, use and recycling.

"We need to wake up the world and understand the risks of these pollutants," says University of British Columbia (UBC) ocean researcher Dr. Juan José Alava, lead author of the paper that includes researchers from Canada, the United States, Europe, South America and Asia.

[...] "We live in the age of plastic — the Plasticene," says Dr. Alava, principal investigator of the Ocean Pollution Research Unit at UBC's Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. "There's plastic everywhere. It is in the ocean, coastal zones and terrestrial environment. It has been found in animals across the globe, human tissues and organs, and deep in the Mariana Trench [] — the deepest part of our ocean. They do not degrade easily, so they last for many, many years."

[...] Plastics are prone to accumulation in all organisms, with aquatic animals most at risk of exposure to micro- and nano-sized particle. These particles are toxic to marine animals — they can change gene and protein expression, produce inflammatory responses, affect brain development, and decrease growth and reproduction rates, while also preventing proper feeding and foraging behaviours.

"It's hugely important to remember that it's not just plastics," emphasizes Dr. Gunilla Öberg, coauthor from UBC's Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia. "Many plastic products contain chemicals that in themselves are known to be persistent, bioaccumulate and toxic."

[...] "Plastic particles have been found in the human placenta, in breast milk, lungs and in the colon," said Alava. "So, the exposure is real. Canada has already banned six types of single-use plastics, but other harmful plastics like PET water plastic bottles need to be eliminated. We need an international effort to really eliminate harmful plastics from the world."

[...] Dr. Alava hopes that one day our ecological footprint will show we switched from plastics to more biodegradable substitutes and green, environmentally friendly materials. "We should really think about ways we can be ocean leaders, and really have future generations change their perspective on, and consumption of, plastics."

Journal Reference:
Alava, J.J., Jahnke, J., Bergmann, M., et al. (2023). A call to include plastics in the global environment in the class of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) pollutants [open]. Environmental Science & Technology. []

Original Submission