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The art of Roman water management revealed

Accepted submission by taylorvich at 2023-08-04 19:40:51
Science []

While 21st century water companies struggle to maintain clean, fresh supplies, new research from an international team led by Oxford geoarchaeologist Dr. Güel Sürmelihindi, reveals that, some 2,000 years ago, Roman water engineers were keeping up a regular program of managing and maintaining the ancient water systems.

According to the research, published in Scientific Reports, ancient water management traces are captured in the limescale deposits which built up on the walls and floor of the ancient Roman aqueduct of Divona (Cahors, France).

The evidence shows that these deposits were regularly and partially removed during maintenance. It reveals, "The discovery of traces of regular maintenance in the carbonate deposits… such as tool marks, calcite deformation twins, debris from cleaning and repairs…are proof of periodic manual carbonate removal by Roman maintenance teams.

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