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Message From the Family of Bram Moolenaar

Accepted submission by upstart at 2023-08-06 17:55:28

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Message from the family of Bram Moolenaar []:

Dear all,

It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that Bram Moolenaar passed away on 3 August 2023.
Bram was suffering from a medical condition that progressed quickly over the last few weeks.

Bram dedicated a large part of his life to VIM and he was very proud of the VIM community that you are all part of.

We as family are now arranging the funeral service of Bram which will take place in The Netherlands and will be held in the Dutch lanuage. The extact date, time and place are still to be determined.
Should you wish to attend his funeral then please send a message to This email address can also be used to get in contact with the family regarding other matters, bearing in the mind the situation we are in right now as family.

With kind regards,
The family of Bram Moolenaar

The creator of Vim, Bram Moolenaar, has passed away.

Original Submission