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Getting AAA games working in Linux sometimes requires concealing your GPU

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-08-09 19:33:33 from the clever girl dept.
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Linux gaming's march toward being a real, actual thing has taken serious strides lately [], due in large part to Valve's Proton-powered Steam Play efforts []. Being Linux, there are still some quirks to figure out. One of them involves games trying to make use of Intel's upscaling tools.
Relying on upscaling to bolster performance, especially at lower resolutions, may be unwise []. But nearly every major game release [] brings with it news of which vendor's upscaling system is included or preferred. It's still impressive how many games simply run at all on an OS for which they were never built, but it might never stop being a tricky challenge.

Apple Has a Proton-Like Game Porting Toolkit for Getting Windows Games on Mac [] - 20230612

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