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Water lilies may be a surprise hero in our fight against fungal pathogens

Accepted submission by taylorvich at 2023-08-10 14:39:46
Science []

While water lilies are perhaps most famous for starring in French impressionist artist Claude Monet’s work, they may also have a molecular secret weapon that could help in our ongoing fight against fungal infections.

After viruses and bacteria, fungus is the most deadly pathogen and, much like bacteria, is adapting fast to be resistant to current medical interventions. While the official numbers show that around 8,000 Americans die from fungal infections each year, it’s likely to be much higher, since many cases go undiagnosed and, as an ‘opportunistic pathogen,' the microorganism can attack weakened immune systems for complex comorbidities.

However, there’s some good news. Scientists out of the University of Oklahoma (UO) may have found a molecule in a species of water lily or lotus that can fight off fungal infection.

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