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Robot Vacuums Make Our Lives Easier, But Do They Deprive Us of Meaningful Experiences?

Accepted submission by hubie at 2023-08-22 01:49:18

Autonomous Products Like Robot Vacuums Make Our Lives Easier. But Do They Deprive Us of Meaningful Experiences? []

Whether it is cleaning homes or mowing lawns, consumers increasingly delegate manual tasks to autonomous products. These gadgets operate without human oversight and free consumers from mundane chores. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that people feel a sense of satisfaction when they complete household chores. Are autonomous products such as robot vacuums and cooking machines depriving consumers from meaningful experiences?

This new research shows that, despite unquestionable benefits such as gains in efficiency and convenience, autonomous products strip away a source of meaning in life. As a result, consumers are hesitant to buy these products.

The researchers argue that manual labor is an important source of meaning in life. This is in line with research showing that everyday tasks have value—chores such as cleaning may not make us happy, but they add meaning to our lives. As de Bellis explains, "Our studies show that 'meaning of manual labor' causes consumers to reject autonomous products. For example, these consumers have a more negative attitude toward autonomous products and are also more prone to believe in the disadvantages of autonomous products relative to their advantages."

[...]. This study demonstrates that the perceived meaning of manual labor (MML) – a novel concept introduced by the researchers – is key to predicting the adoption of autonomous products. Poletti says that "Consumers with a high MML tend to resist the delegation of manual tasks to autonomous products, irrespective of whether these tasks are central to one's identity or not. Marketers can start by segmenting consumers into high and low MML consumers." Unlike other personality variables that can only be reliably measured using complex psychometric scales, the extent of consumers' MML might be assessed simply by observing their behavioral characteristics, such as whether consumers tend to do the dishes by hand, whether they prefer a manual car transmission, or what type of activities and hobbies they pursue. Activities like woodworking, cookery, painting, and fishing are likely predictors of high MML. Similarly, companies can measure likes on social media for specific activities and hobbies that involve manual labor. Finally, practitioners can ask consumers to rate the degree to which manual versus cognitive tasks are meaningful to them. Having segmented consumers according to their MML, marketers can better target and focus their messages and efforts.

Journal Reference:
de Bellis, E., Johar, G. V., & Poletti, N. (2023). Meaning of Manual Labor Impedes Consumer Adoption of Autonomous Products. Journal of Marketing, 2023. []

Original Submission