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AI goes to college

Accepted submission by looorg at 2023-08-29 11:01:20 from the dept.

From a pool of 32 university-level courses from eight disciplines, from political science to computer science, the average university student is being surpassed by ChatGPT. Exceptions in Maths, which is odd since it's basically a giant calculator, and with tick questions, that it apparently can't identify and detect properly.

It is not made clear the level of the courses beyond that it mainly appears to be undergraduate courses, there should still be a difference between first and last year in level. Perhaps there is a difference from first year courses where it's mostly a matter of reciting known facts and data to the later half when the requirements of more critical thinking and interpretation and analysis is required.

Other findings include that AI plagiarism detecting is poor and mostly unable to tell which text was written by a human and which is regurgitated AI text blobs.

Alternatively it could also be that the average student have just gotten worse over the years. The bottom end of the spectrum has increased as more and more students are forced into academia. [] []

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