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A century online for $38k

Accepted submission by looorg at 2023-08-29 11:54:01 from the the.necro.web dept.

Secure your domain name for the next 100 years with Wordpress, a company that has only been around for about 20 years.
For only $38k including hosting fees and domain name. It's not exactly cheap, but I guess they had to include the cost of inflation and other increases for the next 100 years.

Still unsure what is the weirdest part of it -- that they in general believe the system with domain names will be around in a century or that Wordpress will still be around. Also do you have to pay the century fee in advance or is it an installment plan per year or decade or? Not sure I would care to plonk down $38k at once for a domain name.

Is this the future of the web? A necropolis of dead sites that never update. Who is there to secure that you actually remain online after death? Beyond trust and that you are hoping that Wordpress remains online. [] []

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