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Societal collapse is underway and museums can be unlikely heroes, suggests expert

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2023-09-19 10:23:04

Stressors like climate trauma, corporate deceit and political incompetence signal the threat of societal collapse, a new book asserts.

This claim lays the foundation for exploring arguments of "collapsology" in a new book by Robert R. Janes Ph.D., "Museums and Societal Collapse: The Museum as Lifeboat." [] The book also contends with the unique role that can be played by museums during a mounting climate crisis.

"Social ecology is an integral and moral dimension of the collapse and the crisis we faceā€”that social and environmental issues are intertwined, and both must be considered simultaneously," Dr. Janes, a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, explains.

"Our collective failure to honor this relationship lies at the core of our failure as species. It befits all museums, irrespective of their disciplinary focus and loyalties, to bridge the divide between nature and culture in all that they do." []

[ABSTRACT]: The Museum as Lifeboat []

Are we there yet ? or, is this a case of crying wolf ?

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