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More Immutable Distribution Fun

Accepted submission by sweettea at 2023-09-19 20:52:30 from the Emphatically-immutable dept.
The All Systems Go! conference happened last week in Berlin [], devoted to systemd / container / image-building topics. Several cool talks focused on immutable distributions: their usages and virtues, particularly NixOS. [] NixOS is the foremost immutable, reproducable, and atomically upgradable Linux distribution, and a powerful building block for building easily deployable services.

Andreas Herrmann, the first Bazel community expert, talked about the value of a reproducible build of your software [] and the merits of using an immutable distribution like Nix to make your builds better. Xe Iaso's talk on writing your own NixOS modules [] for your own build dependencies to ensure your software is reproducable. Lots more talks, but mostly systemd-related: check out the list of talks [] and the recordings! []

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