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Oracle Chooses Cybertruck Police Enforcement Vehicle

Accepted submission by DECbot at 2023-09-26 14:08:39 from the can-I-see-a-license-for-that-core? dept.

Like a scene strait out of Robocop, Larry Ellison has chosen Tesla's Cybertruck for its police vehicles [].

Former Tesla board member and Oracle founder Larry Ellison revealed: "Our next generation of a police car is coming out very soon - it's my favorite police car - it's my favorite car actually - it's Elon's favorite car - it's incredible, and I know too much about it."

Articles, like this one found in Motor Trend [], are still light on details. It is mostly reported in car and EV outfits. Like most puff pieces, they are scant on any details and generally all have the same 5 to 6 paragraphs. The National News [] adds a bit more, with additional information suggesting AI will be employed in the Law Enforcement version of the Cybertruck. Regardless of the shallow reporting, the images are still a sight to behold as they mirror 1980s visions of a dystopian future.

As an aside note, what use does Oracle have for a police cruiser beyond parking lot security? The cynic in me hopes this is the future license enforcement squad!

Best Regards,


Original Submission