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Antimatter falls down, not up: first experimental evidence

Accepted submission by einar at 2023-09-28 18:23:09 from the Physics dept.
At the CERN, an experiment investigated how gravity acts on anti matter. General relativity predicts that all matter follows gravitational attraction. However, recent decades in cosmology raised enough questions about our understanding of gravity. So, investigating the behavior of exotic matter is necessary to confirm predictions from general relativity.
Anti matter is available since quite a while; first positrons were created in 1932. Yet, measuring the effect of gravity on charged particals is very difficult. Gravitational force is much weaker than electromagnetic force. The research team used anti-hydrogen (electrically neutral) to observe the effect of gravity. And yes, anti-hydrogen falls down.
Artical in nature: Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter []

Original Submission