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Detroit Man Steals 800 Gallons Using Bluetooth to Hack Gas Pumps at Station

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2023-10-04 13:56:57 from the fuel-your-wireless-audio-connection dept.

Some gas station owners are falling victim to a sophisticated scam. Scammers are using cellphone's Bluetooth option to hack the pump - and get it for free []:

Paying at the pump is for chumps - when you can get gas for free - and illegal, but it didn’t stop a Detroit man from stealing almost 800 gallons of gas at the Shell at Eight Mile and Wyoming.

[...] And when the clerks inside try to stop it - they can’t.

"Every time we push Pump Three stop, it wasn’t doing anything," [station owner Mo] said. "We have to shut off the whole pumps - we have emergency stops."

[...] But it’s not just one guy, and this maneuver is not new, just re-surfacing.

Like at a Speedway station Downriver – in Riverview this month. In that case, they used a bait-and-switch. One guy distracted the clerk with a Cash App problem inside, while the other hacked the pump.

Originally spotted on Schneier on Security [].

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