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AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers

Accepted submission by upstart at 2023-10-05 20:43:19

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AI beats human sleuth at finding problematic images in research papers []:

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  1. David, S. Preprint at bioRxiv [] (2023).

  2. Bik, E. M., Casadevall, A. & Fang, F. C. mBio7, e00809-16 (2016).

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Journal Reference:
Sholto David. A Quantitative Study of Inappropriate Image Duplication in the Journal Toxicology Reports [$], bioRxiv (DOI: 10.1101/2023.09.03.556099 [])
The Prevalence of Inappropriate Image Duplication in Biomedical Research Publications, mBio (DOI: 10.1128%2FmBio.00809-16 [])

Original Submission