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SoylentNews Might Shut Down on June 30th - Slashdot

Rejected submission by upstart at 2023-10-07 10:02:47

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SoylentNews Might Shut Down On June 30th - Slashdot []:

171001453storyElizabethGreene [] writes: NCommander announced today [] that SoylentNews, a fork of Slashdot created in the early 2010s, will be shutting down on June 30th of this year.

Goodbye old friend.

UPDATE (5/27/2023): After the announcement, the appearance of some volunteers gave hope that the site possibly might not have to shut down [].

Here's an excerpt from NCommander's original lengthy post [], which covered the technical reasons, challenges faced, and the ultimate decision to shut down the operations of SoylentNews: This is the post I never thought I would have to make. I am also writing this post on behalf of SoylentNews PBC, the legal owner of SoylentNews, and not as a member of the staff or the community.

SoylentNews is going to shut down operations on June 30th.

This wasn't an easy decision to come to, and it's ultimately the culmination of a lot of factors, some which were in my control, and some that weren't. A large part boils down to critical maintenance to the site not properly being performed for a very long time. To pay back the mountain of technical debt we've built up, it would require relaunching the site from scratch. I'll discuss this more in depth below, but I can't personally justify the time any more, especially due to the negative impact that SN is having on my personal life. Before we shut down, at least for the foreseeable future, I'm going to outline the situation as I see it, my own personal responsibility, and what happens next. [...]

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