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Atari releasing 2600 console game

Accepted submission by looorg at 2023-10-10 11:35:10 from the better.then.ET dept.

ATARI releasing a "new" game for the 2600 console. 46 years in development, there wasn't just active development, have got to be some kind of record in and by itself.

Sold in the classic box and cartridge form. Clearly targeting the collector-market since it's just 500 copies. I'm not sure you'll get your $60 worth tho. It doesn't look very good or appear to be overly interesting as a game. It's not Pitfall.

Perhaps this isn't a surprise, or should come as one. After all it seems the game market today is in large just remaking the same titles over and over again, remaking and "updating" previous titles etc. In that sense starting to release games for long dead consoles is perhaps not that far fetched. []

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