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21 Unusual Things People's Bodies Do That They Didn't Know Weren't Normal

Rejected submission by upstart at 2023-10-25 09:10:42

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21 Unusual Things People's Bodies Do That They Didn't Know Weren't Normal []:

"When I was in my 20s, I went to the doctor for something unrelated, and she checked my throat and just said, 'Huh you have a double uvula. Neat!' I went home and told my roommates, and they all had to look in my mouth. I thought they would think the doctor was the weirdo, but they were all shocked. I'll never forget one saying, 'You've got balls in your throat!'"

u/xx2983xx []

u/MesciVonPlushie []

u/BriCMSN []

u/PachinkoBiloba []

u/breakdancing-edgily []

u/Rathewitch []

u/LLAA00 []

"After a week of tests and painkillers, they finally figured out the issue. I then had surgery to open up my second uterus and cervix, which had been sealed shut by a membrane. I had been having periods for a year and had built up, like, two liters' worth of blood in my sealed second uterus. So once that was drained out and I was put on major antibiotics, I got to go home and tell all my friends that I had two uteruses.

I was also born with one kidney. Not sure if that’s related, but I sure am a mess down there lmao."


"My doctors are aware I am like this, and my septum has been checked. It's not off enough to cause the problem. I just have a long list of incredibly annoying allergies that cause the issue. For example, I'm allergic to just about every green plant."

u/agirl1313 []

u/StrangledByTheAux []

u/lilbitch1991 []

u/rahyveshachr []

u/pocketsizedpieces []

u/Nez_bit []

u/Toby_O_Notoby []

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Original Submission