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Experiment Reveals What Would Happen if You Touched a Quantum Superfluid

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2023-11-03 14:44:40 from the weird-science dept.

Wild Experiment Reveals What Would Happen if You Touched a Quantum Superfluid []

[....] Physicists dunked a special, finger-sized probe into an isotope of helium cooled to just a smidge over absolute zero, and recorded the physical properties therein.

It is, they say, the first time we have gleaned an inkling of what the quantum Universe might feel like. And no one had to get horrific frostbite, or ruin an experiment, to find out for real.

[....] Superfluids are a state of matter [] that behave like a fluid with zero viscosity or friction. There are two isotopes of helium that can create a superfluid. When cooled to just above absolute zero (−273.15 degrees Celsius or −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit), bosons [] of the helium-4 isotope slow down enough to overlap into a high-density cluster of atoms that behave like one super-atom.

[... youtube video embedded in article [] ...]

Helium-3 [] is a little different. Its nuclei are fermions, [] a class of particles that spin differently from bosons. When cooled below a certain temperature, fermions become bound together in what are called Cooper pairs, each made up of two fermions that together form a composite boson. [] These Cooper pairs behave exactly like bosons, and can thus form a superfluid.

Autti and his team have been experimenting with helium-3 fermionic superfluid for some time, and discovered that, although Cooper pairs are quite fragile, researchers can stick a wire inside without breaking the pairs, or even disrupting the superfluid's flow. [] So the team decided to design a probe to study the properties of the fluid up close and personal.

And, well, it's kind of really weird. The surface of the fluid seems to form an independent two-dimensional layer that transports heat away from the rod. The bulk of the superfluid underneath it acts almost like a vacuum; it's entirely passive and doesn't feel like anything at all, the researchers found.

The only part of the fluid that interacted with the probe was that two-dimensional surface layer. The bulk only becomes accessible if a huge burst of energy is imparted into it. The thermomechanical properties of the superfluid are entirely defined by that two-dimensional layer.

"This liquid would feel two-dimensional if you could stick your finger into it. The bulk of the superfluid feels empty, while heat flows in a two-dimensional subsystem along the edges of the bulk – in other words, along your finger," Autti says.

[....] The research is due to appear [] in Nature Communications, and is available on arXiv. []

The embedded video is interesting.

Original Submission