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Long lost correspondence.

Accepted submission by looorg at 2023-11-07 15:41:36 from the dept.

Letters confiscated by Britain's Royal Navy before they reached French sailors during the Seven Years' War have been opened for the first time.

The messages were seized by Britain’s Royal Navy during the Seven Years’ War, taken to the Admiralty in London and never opened. The collection is now held at the National Archives in Kew.

“I only ordered the box out of curiosity,” Morieux said. “There were three piles of letters held together by ribbon. The letters were very small and were sealed so I asked the archivist if they could be opened and he did.

So in the National Archive in Kew (UK) they found a box of letters sent during the seven years' war between France and the UK. Long lost correspondence.

Perhaps it's not that they are lost for 250ish years that is the interesting part. But how little things change. People still communicate about more or less the same things then as now, it's just the way we communicate that change for technological reasons.

Nothing in there tho if they tracked down the offspring, relatives etc of the letters and returned them to them. Guess that isn't a service offered. [] []

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