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Cross-Contamination Between Tech Giants

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2023-12-01 19:36:42 from the wait-until-nightfall-and-then-leap-out dept.

The site Switch On Business analyzed Microsoft's LinkedIn employee profiles for Google (Alphabet), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook), Microsoft itself, IBM, Tesla, Oracle, Netflix, Nvidia, Salesforce, Adobe, Intel, and Uber. From that subset of employees they highlighted those who currently work in each tech giant and previously worked for one of the others. That provided for an estimate of the number and percentage of employees who have moved from one of these companies to another []:


  • Some 26.51% of Meta employees have worked at another tech giant — the highest proportion of any tech giant workforce.
  • However, Google has attracted the most talent {sic} by volume: 38,316 (24.15%) of their current staff came via other tech giants.
  • IBM headhunts the least, with just 2.28% of the current workforce having previously worked for another tech giant.

Statistical compensation to account also for those that know better than to fill out a Microsoft LinkedIn profile was not done. The report also mistakes all transfers as benefiting the target institution, which is quite often not the situation. For example, over 12,000 Microsoft employees now currently work inside the advertising and data giant Google. IBM seems it might be doing the most careful vetting of potential employees.

Original Submission