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Search vs. Browse is a False Dichotomy

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2023-12-06 02:24:40 from the browse-for-the-answers dept.

One of the oldest distinctions in information access is between searching and browsing []. Does a user initiate an information-seeking journey by typing keywords into a search box, or by browsing a category hierarchy?

Search vs. browse is a false dichotomy, since users employ both strategies to achieve highly overlapping goals. For example, a user looking for men’s shoes on an ecommerce site can either type the query “mens shoes” into the search box or browse through the category hierarchy.

In fact, the strategies that users employ often depend as much on application design as on their personal preferences. A larger, more prominent search box encourages search, while a more prominent link to to view the category hierarchy encourages browse. Autocomplete design can have a big impact too — particularly the decision of whether or not to present category browse pages as autocomplete suggestions. Also, some applications redirect common keyword queries to browse pages.

So we should not assume that users set out to search vs. browse.

The author explains how it's important to focus on the user's intent while supporting their journey, concluding with:

One of the worse consequences of the sharp distinction between search and browse is that two different teams tend to be responsible for them — and sometimes those teams even compete for glory and resources. Remember: it’s not about you or your organization. It’s about helping users find what they are looking for. So make sure that your org structure, analytics, and other internal processes don’t get in the way of helping your users achieve their goals — through search, browse, or both.

See also: How to Satisfy User intent for Search vs. Browse []

Original Submission