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A Financial News Site Uses AI to Copy Competitors — Wholesale

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2023-12-12 03:11:19 from the making-good-content-mediocre dept.

One of the most highly-trafficked [] financial news websites in the world is creating AI-generated stories that bear an uncanny resemblance to stories published just hours earlier by other competitors []:, a Tel Aviv-based site owned by Joffre Capital, is a financial news and information hub that provides a mix of markets data and investing tips and trends. But increasingly, the site has been relying on AI to create its stories, which often appear to be thinly-veiled copies of human-written stories written elsewhere.

[...] Pere Monguió, the head of content at FXStreet, told Semafor in an email that he and his team noticed several months ago that Investing was publishing stories similar to their site’s articles. FXStreet’s 60-person team monitors and quickly analyzes developments in global currencies. By pumping out AI articles, Investing was eroding FXStreet’s edge, Monguió said.

“Using AI to rewrite exclusive content from competitors is a threat to journalism and original content creation,” he said.

[...] “This isn’t truly a new thing,” Lawrence Greenberg, senior vice president and chief legal officer at The Motley Fool, said in an email. “We have seen, and acted against, people plagiarizing our content from time to time, and if you’re right about what’s going on, AI has achieved a level of human intelligence that copies good content and makes it mediocre.”

See also: Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers []

Original Submission