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Netflix finally reveals viewing data across its entire catalog

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2023-12-14 16:31:10 from the all your pixels belong to us dept.
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Netflix, the streaming service that has been long criticized for a lack of transparency about how shows and films perform on its platform, will begin publishing a “comprehensive deep dive” into what its subscribers are watching twice a year.

Its first report, released on Tuesday, provided viewer data on more than 18,000 titles, representing a total of nearly 100 billion hours viewed, Netflix said. The Night Agent, a political thriller, was the most watched show on Netflix globally in the first half of 2023, with 812 million hours.
“In the early days, it wasn’t really in our interest to be that transparent because we were building a new business and we needed room to learn. But we also didn’t want to provide road maps to future competitors.”

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