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Turquoise Lights for Autonomous Cars

Accepted submission by vux984 at 2023-12-19 22:50:04
Never submitted a story before, but thought this was interesting, and it was the first I'd heard of it. I thought it was actually a pretty good idea.

Mercedes’ Drive Pilot allows the driver to take their eyes off the road continuously until the system alerts the driver of a need to take over such as when traffic speeds up. In the meantime, drivers can surf the Internet or play games on the car’s big center screen. (Sensors in the car ensure the driver does not fall asleep, though.)

The light blue color was selected because it’s eye-catching and it won’t be confused with anything else. It’s not similar to the color of any other lights on a passenger car but it’s also clearly different from the darker blue used by police and other emergency vehicles. [] []

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