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Radio station owner Audacy files Chapter 11

Accepted submission by at 2024-01-10 14:21:51 from the Radio-Radio-Elvis-Costello dept.

As reported in USA Today [] and many outlets:

Radio giant Audacy announced that it plans to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, on Sunday.

The company, which owns more than 200 stations across the U.S., announced in a news release it agreed to a prepackaged restructuring support agreement (RSA) with a supermajority of its debt-holders that will allow it to reduce its debt. The company says the plan would reduce its debt by 80% from around $1.9 billion to about $350 million.

Under this agreement, debtholders will receive equity in the reorganized company.

“Over the past few years, we have strategically transformed Audacy into a leading, scaled multi-platform audio content and entertainment company,” said David Field, CEO of Audacy.

Do you listen to the radio? Your AC submitter still enjoys having music chosen by a pro -- but there are fewer and fewer high quality DJs around to fill that role...and probably even fewer job slots available in this era of corporate radio.

Best anthem to radio? []
or an intense (but partial) version from Saturday Night Live, []

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