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Is Murderbot gestating in your washing machine?

Accepted submission by Snotnose at 2024-01-14 15:14:10

An LG washing machine owner and self-confessed fintech geek has asked the Twitterverse why his smart home appliance ate an average of 3.66GB of data daily. Concerned about the washer’s internet addiction, Johnie forced the device to go cold turkey and blocked it using his router UI. Had the LG washer been hacked, hijacked, or otherwise tampered with over the net – or is this the average data consumption for a modern smart appliance?

No word on why he didn't run Wireshark to see exactly what the data was, but a word of warning concerning smart devices. []

Note to eds: Sorry I suck at these summaries, my brain just doesn't want to work that way.

Original Submission