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Gastrointestinal disease explodes in Ala. elementary school; 773 kids out

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2024-03-01 14:59:33 from the explosive excuse dept.
News []

Officials in Alabama have shut down an elementary school for the rest of the week and are conducting a deep clean after 773 of the school's 974 students were absent Wednesday amid an explosive outbreak of gastrointestinal illness.

Local media reported that only 29 students were absent from Fairhope West Elementary School on Tuesday. However, the situation escalated quickly on Wednesday as word spread of a stomach bug going around the Gulf Coast school. A spokesperson for the county school district told [] that 773 students and 50 staff were absent Wednesday. It's unclear how many of the absences were due to sickness or precaution.
Norovirus activity is high across the country, with the northeastern region seeing the largest surge, according to surveillance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [].
"Close quarters, shared spaces, and high-touch surfaces make it easy for norovirus to spread in schools," the CDC points out [].

In 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic flipped the script on standard norovirus outbreaks. People who were hoping to avoid close contact and share indoor air with strangers headed to the great outdoors, which led to a large outbreak of norovirus in the Grand Canyon [].

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