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Ex-Twitter Executives Sue Musk for Unpaid Severance

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2024-03-05 11:13:15 from the X-née-Twitter dept.

Multiple sites are reporting that the former Twitter (now called X but not that X []) executives who were apparently stiffed on severance pay are now suing Elon Musk over the missing severance pay.

Former top executives of Twitter sued Elon Musk on Monday saying he has failed to pay them nearly $130 million after the billionaire took over the social media company and dismissed them.

"Musk doesn't pay his bills, believes the rules don't apply to him, and uses his wealth and power to run roughshod over anyone who disagrees with him," they said in the lawsuit filed in a California federal court.

'Musk vowed a lifetime of revenge': Ex-Twitter execs sue Musk for unpaid severance []

The big picture: The former executives claim in the complaint that he fired them soon after he led the takeover of the company now known as X "without reason, then made up fake cause and appointed employees of his various companies to uphold his decision."

• "Musk's refusal to pay Plaintiffs their benefits is part of a larger pattern of refusing to pay Twitter's former employees the benefits and other compensation they are due," alleges the complaint, filed in federal court in San Francisco.

Elon Musk sued by former Twitter executives over severance payments []

Parag Agrawal sues Elon Musk: Former Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and three other ex-executives have suited company boss Elon Musk for $128 million in unpaid severance payments alleging that the billionaire showed "special ire" towards them by publicly vowing to withhold their severance payments of around $200 million. This happened after Elon Musk took over the social media platform in a $44 billion deal in 2022 after which they were ousted from the company, as per the lawsuit filed.

Why is ex-Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal suing Elon Musk? []

Elon Musk fired a lot of people after he took over Twitter, but the first ones to go were several of its top executives. Now former CEO Parag Agrawal, former CFO Ned Segal, former chief legal officer Vijaya Gadde, and former general counsel Sean Edgett are suing Musk and the company now known as X, saying they’re owed more than $128 million in severance payments, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Fired Twitter execs are suing Elon Musk for over $128 million []

Apparently some of the evidence against Musk comes from the biography he recently published.

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