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The Chinese are planning to replace all American tech.

Accepted submission by anubi at 2024-03-09 04:23:17 from the If you want it done right, do it yourself! dept.

It's well known, Americans don't trust Chinese IT hardware. Well, guess what?

They don't trust ours either! []

Can you blame them? It's got to the point I trust an Arduino - that I personally program - far more than anything out there.

I believe computers also follow the "Peter Principle". Each new update becomes more and more encrusted with layers of fix code that no matter how fast the CPU runs, or how much memory one has, the "attack surface" grows so immense that deliberately hiding secret backdoors and "sleeper cell" code makes vetting trusted code nearly impossible. []

So the Chinese don't trust American IT. Gee, I don't trust it either!

I am sure the Chinese are really fed up with all the nebulous terms, conditions, disclaimers, hold harmless, copyright violation threats, and the risk of being given the Roku treatment, with contracts written in such a manner they can be changed after payment clears, enforced by code, then forcing whatever terms to continue or consider the investment in the proprietary technology a sunk cost.

If you need it done right, learn to do it yourself, or forever be under the control of someone else who does.

Another thing ... If you are strong enough, you can dictate the rules of the game too

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