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Boeing faces new US investigation into ‘missed’ 787 inspections

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2024-05-07 14:46:55 from the mist-inspections dept.

Boeing faces new US investigation into ‘missed’ 787 inspections []

FAA examining whether employees may have falsified records after firm said it might not have properly carried out checks

Boeing faces a new investigation after the planemaker told US regulators it might have failed to properly carry out some quality inspections on its 787 Dreamliner planes.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it was “investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections and whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records”.

[....] The Boeing executive overseeing the 787 programme, Scott Stocker, wrote in an internal memo, seen by the Guardian, that the problem was reported by an employee and was an instance of “misconduct,” but not “an immediate safety of flight issue”.

The memo said the company concluded that “several people had been violating company policies by not performing a required test, but recording the work as having been completed”.

[....] Stocker said the company would “celebrate” the employee who spoke up.

Can it ever be a management failure that a thing like this can happen?

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